Magic RDS Free Magic RDS Serial Key is a powerful program for Windows which allows you to create and send directly from Windows explorer any kind of radiostation content: ■ Directly readable text files from Windows Explorer (*.rds), ■ Time schedules (*.sched), ■ Advanced "Now Playing" feature, ■ All available presets, ■ Multi-language support, ■ View, edit and change settings, ■ Create and send scripts (*.rt). If you are not familiar with text files, time schedules or simply do not know what those are, please use the unique "Magic RDS Tutorial" feature of this software. All required information about the "Magic RDS Tutorial" can be found in the installation.txt file in the installation folder. The Tutorial contains pictures and instructions, so it should be easy to follow even for beginners. So the simplest way to explain Magic RDS, is that it makes your radiostation's content editable by any Windows user. You can update your text files anytime with a simple double click and the generated RDS files are automatically updated and sent to your listeners. In the past, it was quite complicated to do this. With "Magic RDS", updating your content and sending your listeners the updated radiostation is a simple, user-friendly task. Other than that Magic RDS is an advanced solution for the "Now Playing" feature. It will create an automatic radiostation based on the information contained in your text file, and send it directly from Windows Explorer. It will perform time scheduling, update all RDS generated files and send your listeners updated information. No additional software is needed. The "Now Playing" feature in "Magic RDS" is not only limited to the "Now Playing" feature provided by your radiostation. It will create a dynamic RDS script for your listeners. The script will be defined by the information contained in your text files, and will be automatically executed in any Windows station that supports the RDS protocol. The script is not limited to the file type "RDS", it can be any type of script that does not depend on the broadcasting system. Every RDS format is supported, so the script can send multiple channels. In other words, the script can be used to send a radiostation channel plus the tag information contained in the text file (*.rds) That's not all. In addition, the advanced R Magic RDS Incl Product Key The "Magic RDS" application provides an easy way to add a "Now Playing" functionality to your radiostation. This feature uses the built-in "Now Playing" feature of Windows and it is very easy to implement. "Magic RDS" for Winamp/Jazler II (version 1.7.x and 1.8.x) and Raduga (version 1.7.x) runs on Winamp 2.2.x and above, Winamp 3.x, and Jazler II 3.0.x. "Magic RDS" for Raduga (version 1.7.x and 1.8.x) only runs on Raduga 2.6.x and above. To see all RDS services supported, type "magic rds" in the Windows Start menu search, type "magic rds" in the program menu of Winamp/Jazler II/Raduga. To see all features, type "magic rds help" in the Windows Start menu search, type "magic rds help" in the program menu of Winamp/Jazler II/Raduga. A complete description can be found in the doc folder of the Magic RDS 1.7.x package. Note: For a detailed version description, see the README.win file in the Magic RDS 1.7.x package. Other relevant information, including the web page, can be found on the following links: Copyright (c) 2004-2017, Encore S.A. All rights reserved. What's new version 1.7.x: A new interface with more information on the supported RDS services. Enhanced configuration dialog with detailed information and graphic representation. Full support of Winamp 2.2.x and above. Now Playing feature with 3 simple steps to configure (playlist, music, artist) Several "Now Playing" features to improve your radio station. A graphic GUI representation of Winamp's "Now Playing" feature. Control of Winamp's "Now Playing" feature from a script. A graphic GUI representation of Raduga's "Now Playing" feature. Control of Raduga's "Now Playing" feature from a script. Some enhancements and bug fixes. version 1.6.x: 1a423ce670 Magic RDS Crack Activation Free Download ■ Press ESC to return to menu ■ Press S to start RDS stream ■ Press M to select "Magic RDS" or "Radio Station Direct" ■ Press C to control RDS stream from menu, default behavior. ■ Press R to change delay of RDS, default 50 ms ■ Press D to set listener number, default -1 (Radio Station Direct) ■ Press T to save list of settings, default current setting ■ Press Q to quit ■ Press I to enter RDS into "Now Playing" list ■ Press? to show help ■ Press F to set filter to your RDS information in "Now Playing" list ■ For more see Top Audio Content Contributor Announcements Featured Audio Artist:Sandy Ranchero Sandy Ranchero is an award-winning multimedia artist, educator, and producer, producing video art and sound design, as well as music videos and documentaries. She has won numerous awards for her work, including the US Coast Guard's USCG Meritorious Award for excellence in maritime public affairs production, and the New York State Federation of Arts Councils (NYSFA) Educational and Literary Arts Grants. Her work has been broadcast on PBS, VPRO, NDR, Belgian Radio, and many other outlets. Sandy is a member of NMCSA, an educational nonprofit association of people who care about the medium. Featured Audio Contributor:Sandor Szabo Sandor Szabo is a Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at The University of Texas at Austin. He is the author of "Pulse Radio and Radio Engineering" (McGraw-Hill Books, 2000), and has published articles on computer music, audio signal processing, and technical communication. He has worked for over 20 years with Phillips and other companies to develop products such as compact disk players and digital radios. In 1985, Sandor started Flux Development Laboratories in Austin, where he developed new consumer products, including the first portable compact disc players.One of the key features of the upcoming Android L update is support for What's New In Magic RDS? System Requirements: Windows 8 or later Mac OS X 10.7 or later Android devices with Android 2.2 or later iPhone and iPad with iOS 5.0 or later JavaScript support: enabled Flash support: enabled Google Map API support: enabled The Recent Posts widget can also be used for: Facebook Like Boxes Facebook Feeds Discussion Board widgets Twitter Widgets Nested Twitter Lists WordPress Widgets Recommendations Enable the People Recommendations widget (see the
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